With Connie Smith

Photos from my collection!

From years back when I had the pleasure of joining Ms. Connie Smith and Mr. Charlie McCoy on their tour to Kyoto! We had several shows in Kyoto and in Tokyo! Connie is known for her greatest Hit “Once a Day” and also for her beauty♥♥♥


京都Kenny’sの永冨研二さん主催のカントリーイベントでこの年はConnie Smith & Charlie McCoyのツアーにご一緒させて頂いた時のもの。2枚目の写真は京都でお食事中に私の頭の後ろでお箸で遊ぶConnie 😅

兎に角美しい方でした。そしてツアー中何度も聴いた彼女の大ヒット曲、Once A Dayに毎回感動しました!来週久々に歌う予定です💕