Thank You!!! Received a beautiful Advent Calendar🎄 It’s from a confectionery shop “Cafe Ohzan” They’re not just delicious, they’re beautiful!! Can’t wait to start opening the tiny boxes everyday till Christmas.
Tried out the new Godiva & Georgia drink. I’m into the Coca-Cola app which gives you a free drink ticket when you get enough points. Today I got the Godiva Hot Chocolate drink. It was very good!! Actually, this tiny can costs 180yen (*_*) Luckily, I got it for free from using the Coca-Cola drink ticket!
Thanks Facebook for picking up this memory post! I remember flying to Kanazawa together and I was really panicking💦 I hate flying of course, I have claustrophobia…
I came across this old Calendar from Nashville which was an old Country Music venue in Ginza, Tokyo. I used to perform here after I started performing with my own band, Keiko Walker & The Hot Street Band.
Around 1993, Country Music was still more popular in Japan than now. We used to get a big crowd each stage, especially on Friday nights. There were still famous Country Artists from Japan performing back then. A lot of the performers that used to perform then have gone to heaven.
I scanned some photos from Nashville. I had the privilege of performing with Famous Artists like Connie Smith and The Louvin Brothers here at Nashville too.
When Nashville was still here, there were no SNS nor blogs so I never had the chance of writing about it nor leaving photos so I wanted to write about it and thank everyone who was a part of this era of Country Music in Japan.
Thank you everyone for your warm and kind words!!! Since the infusion treatment, it’s easier for me to breathe so I am feeling much better!
My longtime friend and the World’s Greatest Harmonica Player, Charlie McCoy gave me the permission to upload this beautiful Cowboy Tune we’ve been performing together over the past years when Charlie tours Japan.
I am so honored! I hope you all enjoy this.
This was filmed in Tokyo in 2007 at “Charlie McCoy Live in Tokyo”
長年の友人でもあり、Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Simon & Garfunkel や Bob Dylanなどのレコーディングや共演をしてきた世界のハーモニカプレイヤー、チャーリーマッコイより許可を頂き、Upload致しました。
This year from time to time, I have come to recollect my past. Where did Keiko Walker come from? Where, when, and how did my musical career start?
In the Spring, on his birthday, I started googling my grandfather who was an actor in Japan and found articles and photos of my uncle (my mother’s older brother) who also was an actor in Japan. He’s been in so many films. There were photos and blogs written about him which I found on Twitter and was thrilled to see photos I’ve never seen in the past. He was also a Country Music Singer before he moved to the States for good.
This was when I was about 10 years old that my uncle, James Walker was performing at Country Venues in Japan and even started a Country Music venue himself in Yokohama. This is where my mother and I would go and listen to live bands every now and then where I get to meet wonderful musicians and famous Country Artists.
After my Uncle left for the States for good, and couple of years later, along with my mother I went to hear bands playing at a venue in Motomachi (Yokohama) called Bonanza where I would meet musicians again after several years. And this is when my career as a Country Musician myself would begin. I was asked to join the band called “Texas Company”.
Recently, Seiji Katayama, Country singer and the owner of Stagecoach in Chigasaki gave me this poster he found of My Uncle and his Live Venue “GRASSHOPPER”. He found it at the older Stagecoach when they were moving. His father was in my uncle’s band as a Bass Player back then. How interesting where we all connect from generation to generation.
I have been uploading old videos on my YouTube Channel since last year and this has also made me realize how so many wonderful people, I have connected over the last 39 years of my musical career, and I have learned to appreciate my exciting past as a country artist. I have also realized how short life could be for some of us and that we have to appreciate every moment.
My dream right now is to plan a concert with my Uncle Jimmy for we’ve never been on stage together.
The Poster of my uncle’s venue in Yokohama back in the 70’s Seiji gave me in July this year! 片山誠史くんがくれた伯父の経営していたライヴハウスの大きなポスター。 昨日写真をBlogにUploadしたばかりですが、ジミーさんの名前が! ジミー時田&ジェームズ・ウォーカーショーというのがありますね❣ 観たいな~~~!
Some photos of my uncle, James Walker from Movies he appeared in which I found on Twitter! Twitterで伯父を検索して出てきた映画時代の写真たちです。 1枚目は映画「少年ジェット」に出演した時の物だそうです! 2枚目は以前もBlogで書きましたが五月みとりさんとの映画だそうです。 載せてくださっている方々、ありがとうございます❤
This is a photo of my Grandfather, Hugh James Walker from his collection of Artist photos when he was in the movies. They do look alike (^_-)-☆ こちらは以前もBlogに載せていますが、祖父、ヒュー・ウォーカーの映画時代のブロマイドです! こうして並べて見るとおじいちゃまと伯父、やっぱり似ていますね(^^♪
Going down Memory Lane I guess my future career as a Country Music Singer started when I was 10. Fond memories of my still most favorite Singer Jimmie Tokita. And my beautiful Mama
New YouTube upload❣ 来週11月12日、石田新太郎 & The Citylitesのライブにゲスト出演させて頂くのですが、その前に少しCitylitesと私の接点などをお話したいなと思い、美也ちゃんにコラボ動画撮らない?とお誘いして、前半、後半にわけて配信しました! 場所は茅ヶ崎Stage Coachをお借りしました。 片山誠史くんも一瞬登場するよ😉
October 31st、 Halloween🎃でもありますが、40年の仲間、西海孝の還暦ライブでした❢
びっくりするよね。 周りがどんどん還暦になっていくのにいちいち驚いているこの頃です😂
①西海家の長男、モモがこんなに大人になっているんだもんね… ②こんな頃もあったね!Keiko Walker & The Hot Street Bandの頃。 ③どんどん40年前、出会った頃のSHIMEにそっくりになってくるRay! ④出演者で集合写真!こちらの写真はBack In Townのをお借りしました。