サポートしてくれたミュージシャンのみなさん、Here’s For There’sの二人、中沼くんと坂野くん以外は今日初めましてと思いきや、エノッキーさんはどこかの会場でお会いしていて、ドラムの津田さんは共通な仲間が数人いたり、ベースの宍倉くんは私が若い頃レコードをいつも買いに行っていたお店の定員さんでした·͜· ︎︎ᕷ中沼くんと坂野くんもありがとう!久しぶりにご一緒出来て楽しかった!
I’ve been playing Gibson J200 (several) since 1985 and the more I spend time with them I fall in love with it even more. Not to mention my blonde one was love at first sight ♡
Last night at Stagecoach with my guitar player, Kazuaki Furuhashi was one of those nights when I realized how much I love playing my Gibson!
After all that I’ve been through these past 15 years or so, losing my mom, struggling with my health issues, losing my precious Angelina and friends, there are times when I felt I wasn’t lucky enough but when I look back at my musical career, it’s been very exciting! I’ve had so many wonderful experiences with so many wonderful people! I had been incredibly lucky. Not everyone could hear stories about Elvis and Hank Williams and Johnny Cash from people who were very close to them nor to be able to perform with the most talented people in the world! I am so honored!